AFCOGG Provides An Opportunity to be GREATER!
The Apostolic Faith Church of Giving Grace, Inc.
We are fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, fitly framed together we grow into a holy temple in the Lord. We are built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit, us working together to advance the kingdom through holiness and Love. - Inspired by Ephesians 2:19-22 and Hebrews 12:14
Exalt the Savior. Equip the Saints. Evangelize the World. Serve The People of God.
Exalt the Savior. Equip the Saints. Evangelize the World. Serve The People of God.
- Bethlehem, Bishop Ralph Gorham, Mt. Vernon, New York
- Brothers and Sisters Church, Elder Victor Brown, Teaneck, New Jersey
- Faith, Hope & Charity, Elder Ruth Parker, Weldon, North Carolina
- Fountain of Life True Holiness Church, Elder Jeremy Favor, Rocky Mount, North Carolina
- Gospel Tabernacle Fellowship, Minister Valerie Hughes, Portsmouth Virginia
- Good News Mission, Elder Daisy Perry, Scotland Neck, North Carolina
- Greater Bread of Heaven, Elder Linda Hill, Bronx, New York
- Heaven Bound Train Prison & Outreach Ministry, Elder William Holmes, Richmond, Virginia
- Holy Light, Elder Josephine Harris, Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
- Holy Temple, Elder Clyde Parker, Weldon, North Carolina
- Impact Church, Elder Leona Perry, Raleigh, North Carolina
- Living Water Holiness Church & Ministries, Bishop Barry Mayfield, Emporia, Virginia
- Macedonia, Bishop Nathan Perry Sr., Baltimore, Maryland
- Mount Zion, Elder Lucy Alston, Centerville, North Carolina
- New Jerusalem, Elder Alice Jones-Brown, Garysburg, North Carolina
- Refreshing Springs, Bishop Nathan Perry Sr., Baltimore, Maryland
- Saint Mary's, Elder James Gary, Jackson, North Carolina
- Saint Paul's, Elder Edward Gorham, Staten Island, New York
- Saint Stephen, Bishop Paul Jones, Jersey City, New Jersey
- Saint Stephen II, Bishop Paul Jones, Augusta, Georgia
- Staten Island Prayer Band, Bishop Ralph Gorham, Staten Island, New York
- The Heavenly Train, Minister Queen Porter, Gaston, North Carolina
- Tried In The Fire, Elder William Holmes, Richmond, Virginia